Sunday, March 22, 2015

What Do You Like To Do For Fun, Emma?

This week while at work, a fellow pizza maker asked me some "getting to know you questions". He reached one that for some strange reason seems to make me stumble.

He asked, "What do you like to do for fun?"

Simple enough of a question, one would think. But not for me. It stumps me every time!

This is always what happens in my brain:

Enter question.... <WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN?>

Brain computing...... Answer located.


Yep. How am I suppose to say that out loud? I mean, I definitely am not ashamed of my love for school, but people want to hear things they can share with you. SO I am stuck as my brain goes along screaming school.

I answer with one word. Music. I like music.

But then that leads to all new questions about what kind of music I like and I don't know how to define that either.

The one thing I do know is that I like more than what my brain gives me credit for during these "getting to know you" situations. Not too long ago someone labeled me as an appreciator. I just love loving things. I think it is true too! I don't usually let people label me, but I will take that one.

I appreciate so many things! I am a good seeker, Article of Faith 13 explains it perfectly. I want to fill my life with PRAISEWORTHY things. That is what I am going to do for the next few months, come here and share with you all the good things I am seeing in the world!

Hopefully along the way my brain can realize I like more things than school and music!


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