Thursday, February 20, 2014


 What is DEAR to My Heart:
   I can’t help but realize how much I have and have always had. I have, first of all, my amazing family who have been the very best to me in every way. I’ve seen a lot of homes where family isn’t quite being cared for as it should be. It is quite sad to see.  Also, I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bless my life every day! Not just a Gospel, but THE Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being in member’s homes all week long might be one of my favorite parts of being a Missionary! The Spirit is SO strong and the members always seem to excite me to help others find their way!
   Thank you for being so focused in the Gospel throughout your lives. It has blessed me and I couldn’t be more grateful!
   During our Stake Conference, one of my favorite speakers talked about how parents make all the difference in ‘Hastening the Work of Salvation.’ As parents strive to best love and care for their children, with Christ’s love they are directed to gain their own testimony. I know that what he said is true. Not only is it true, it is an eternal principle that when acted upon will Hasten the Work as the Lord is asking. Thank you for being the amazing parents you are and helping me feel Christ’s love so that I can now help others feel that life saving power!   

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