Sunday, April 6, 2014



We decided to put in the fun moments Emma has been enjoying
with all of her investigators since the beginning of her mission. 
 Enjoy getting to know the people she loves!


            I am learning from the Lord how to see the divine potential in others! I Love IT! It takes a lot of work but missionary work becomes more powerful and personal as we think of the potential others have.

            The Three “Investigating” Nephites live at the Lopez home. Javier and Jorge are the first two and Ramiro is the third. He walked into one of our lessons one time with sincere questions. We rejoiced when at the end of his lesson he told us that he lived there! At the end of the lesson he asked us, “Why do you have to not drink, not smoke, and not do all those things, I just don’t get it.” Four lessons later he said, “I don’t know what it is, but since I have been meeting with you I don’t want to drink or smoke anymore. It is the craziest thing.” Statements like these always make me rejoice! It is amazing how the spirit works.
            I had been praying very constantly that Ramiro would join one of our lessons this week and a miracle happened! He joined us for a lesson we had with Javier on Saturday! Then we committed him to come to FHE on Monday with a promise that it would all be focused on him. I feel a little sad, most of the lessons have been focused on Javier and Jorge because we never knew when Ramiro would be joining us. He has been taught almost everything, but it has been in a random order. So, in the past, we have pushed him at not his right pace. That is something that Preach My Gospel warns about. We are repenting and taking it at his pace whenever we get the chance to meet with him. We will be meeting with him this Sunday! Also, with Javier and Jorge being so converted and excited as they are, and with the whole Lopez family jumping on his back telling him he needs to change and right now, it might have been a little overwhelming. But I know that anything done with great intentions and love cannot go wrong. Ramiro is GOLDEN and very humble.
            JAVIER got called as the secretary to the Elders quorum! While talking to the Elder’s Quorum President, Javier said that it was the perfect calling for him because he takes notes on everything! Hermana Quinn and I, when we were first teaching him, made him a journal to write his study notes in. He went millions of miles extra and now takes notes on everything including his Aaronic Priesthood Interview! I remember feeling impressed to give him a journal, but thinking that was a bit strange. Trust in your creative ‘promptings!’ It is So AMAZING how the SPIRIT Works!

            I LOVE THIS FAMILY! They are our miracle family! We found them just by driving past one day and seeing them walk into their house. They are the family that will be leaving for Venezuela. It was a miracle how because of the passport not coming in time, we had more time with them then we had originally dreamed of! Last week Keila called us and said, “I remember you two talking about a family night thing you do? Will you come over, eat dinner with us, invite those members we are now friends with, and do one of those F H Evenings with us this weekend?” Okay,…that is not direct Spanish to English translation, but you get it! How Amazing!! They have accepted to get baptized!!! As soon as they get back from Venezuela. Our Mission President told us that we should skype them and teach them during their month long trip! Now we are just getting the details all figured out!

            They are family of Keila y Jose. They have come to church multiple times and are progressing REALLY WELL! We just need to be visiting with them more, but their work schedule is VERY difficult to work around. But we have FAITH that it will work out. In our first lesson with them, they accepted a date to be baptized.

            Norma is our wonderful member! She just had her second child last month. I love this family. Her husband is not a member, but he told us he knows the Book of Mormon is true and that he is ready to be baptized (well, except he wants to read the whole Bible first). Baptism is just the door…but we will talk with him about that. He is great but works SUPER late every day and only has one day off. So we need to get better at getting in touch with him.

            Yolanda may be the nicest lady ever! Yolanda loves God and talking about Him with others, so that is why she initially let us in. She also loves Jesus Christ (which is great because, so do I), and she finds her strength in him. Yolanda is amazing!! She has four young children. Her phone is still not functioning and she lives quite a bit away so we try to drop by and set appointments so we don’t lose miles and arrive just to not be in touch with her. We are going by tonight. She is our longest investigator! She has opened up a LOT to baptism. She is a devout Catholic, but loves reading the Book of Mormon and having us come over. POCO A POCO! Now we can share with her the great message of the restoration! My goal, or more my desire, is for Yolanda to feel the Spirit and know the truthfulness of the Restoration. I know that knowledge will change her life FOREVER and ever. Also, since we are trying to help each of our investigators with their needs, we are helping her learn English.

            Karelis is the neighbor and friend of Yolanda. She came to the Festival and also to the Posada. She has the cutest little family! She is very wise and very thoughtful! We are so happy to be helping her receive answers and learn that Christ’s church has been restored! I can’t wait for her to receive answers! She has an 8, 5 and 1 year old. Shanty her 5 year old is a hoot! She LOVES attention and if we ever aren’t paying 100% of our attention on her, she yells in the loudest voice I have ever heard, “Hey!!” It is so hilarious! And it keeps us on our toes and we remember to keep the lessons focused all on her too.

            I Love Loordes. She is a mom of two sons and is best friends with our member friend Luci. She is completely ready to be baptized! She is very excited for the day when she can be. She loves the Church and has been going with her friend Luci. She started investigating the Church in the beginning of 2012 and is all set to go, except her boyfriend is holding her back. He doesn’t really like the church and he has been bothered by the Elders always coming in the past. Hermana Quinn and I are going to use the Love of Christ to soften his heart. [Read Elder Uchtdorf’s talk called “Your Journey Home” from April 2013 YW General Conference, especially the section labeled “Universal Language.”] Love has the power to overcome all things. Christ’s ultimate sacrifice of love has made it possible for us to overcome death and sin. His love has the ability to surpass any problem we or our investigators face. I know Christ’s love will overcome the barriers people put up. We have a plan to start to show Christ’s love to him by showing him lots of respect and by serving him. We have made an appointment to come over and make the family dinner with Loordes. We are praying that this will allow him to let some of Christ’s love into his heart.

            My favorite family ever!

            Next for our Investigator Introduction is TERESA. I am so excited about Teresa! Teresa was a member referral from Sabrina and Claudia Anderson in our branch. She is 17 and is the oldest of her 4 siblings. She is so prepared! She had actually gone to early morning Seminary that morning with Sabrina. We had a lesson with her the first time we met her. She has the strongest testimony of Heavenly Father that I have seen. I really want to be teaching her, but we faced a road bump. Her mom met us and was really nice to us but ignored our presence while we were talking with Teresa. Then after we left that night, we called Sabrina to tell her we said Hello to her referral. Teresa had already called her to talk about meeting us. She liked meeting with us, but after her mom got pretty mad and went crazy. Sabrina informed us that her mom is going through a lot right now and has a lot of difficulties she is facing. She also is an avid Catholic, though she doesn’t attend church. I felt so horrible hearing about this. So, for now, we are on pause with Teresa. Sabrina’s mom is going to talk to Teresa’s mom. Claudia told us she thinks Teresa’s mom needs the gospel so she is going to share her testimony with her and try to create some understanding. I’m praying that all goes well. Teresa is amazing, I can see her being built up by the gospel. I pray we can find an understanding with her mother.

            I love the Mojica family! Rosie and Nicolas were baptized 8 years ago. They were part of the branch when it was dependent on an English Ward. Then, because of some really hard things, they stopped coming to church about 4 years ago. They have two of the most amazing children I have met. You cannot find any more obedient, well-behaved, caring, and smart children in the world. They remind me a lot of my dear nieces and nephew! Yeimi is 12 and she is one of the most spiritual girls I have ever met. She is amazing! She loves church and wants to be baptized! Rosie and Nicholas have some questions that they never had answered before they were baptized and they feel a bit of remorse for not knowing before getting baptized so they are hesitant for Yeimi to get baptized anytime soon. So, now we get to work with this amazing family to help them find their answers! I can’t wait for the miracles to come!

            We had an investigator come to church 3 weeks without even teaching him yet! Last Sunday we finally got the Lord’s hint (not sure why it took so long :S), and asked him if he wanted to hear the discussions. He said, “Of, course!” It is kind of a silly story why we didn’t catch him before… but I feel like it was all just in the Lord’s timing.

            **As we try to talk to everyone we are having some amazing experiences! Many people are telling us that recently they have been thinking about going to a Church! It is Amazing!**

            Remembering all the Tender Mercies of a Mission really makes me feel in debt to the Lord and all the help He sends to hold me up!

            Sister Quinn and Sister Emma Rose Phipps!
Transfers are coming again in April ~ Emma has been Blessed with Two
Amazing Companions to find Investigators

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